A Quick Jump into 2008

5 Feb

So 2007 was very much Kate Nash’s year in the category of female pop/acoustic/soulish kind of singer. In my opinion, Kate Nash is now really old news, I love her album but the hype surrounding ‘Foundations’ quite simply was out of this World.
We saw her in Brighton for the Great Escape festval at Pressure Point, a small capacity venue, back in May 07′ and I know now, you could never dream of seeing her in such a small venue. Shame.

This year, I am really exicted about two (relitavely) new female singers – Duffy and Adele. We also saw Adele at the GE at Red Roaster, seriously intimate and enjoyable. Duffy I am yet to see but desperate to.
I found this amazing re-mix of the song ‘Mercy’ done by the incredible Dunproofin. Adele’s album ’19’ is really, really good. There isn’t a song on there that I don’t like. With these two being tipped to battle it out in 2008, Duffy needs to come out with something seriously good to stay in the competition.

As most people who know me know, I am obsessed with remixes and also with discovering new music. Although I keep a personal blog, I am going to start this music one up just to recommend music that I find really. Often stolen from other similar blogs but really just so that I can keep track of what I need to download and listen to.

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